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"Monday Dieting's"


Fazê-las com frequência pode ocasionar no efeito sanfona, que além de efeitos negativos ao corpo, também traz riscos à saúde!

Qual mulher nunca se viu em alguma dessas situações? Tem "aquela" festa pra ir, o casamento está chegando ou precisa de qualquer jeito voltar a entrar naquele jeans...É aí que entram as tais dietas malucas: da luz, sopa, lua, frutas, e por aí vai, uma variedade inimaginável.

De um modo geral, todas consistem em privar-se de comer determinados tipos de alimentos, e prometem resultados rápidos em curto espaço de tempo, fatores não recomendados quando o assunto é emagrecimento, cuja proposta principal é a reeducação dos hábitos alimentares, já que você não seguirá tais dietas pelo resto da vida, não é mesmo?

Além disso, fazê-las repetidamente pode dar origem ao chamado efeito sanfona, que com o passar do tempo acaba deixando a pele flácida e com aspecto envelhecido, bem como consequências pro organismo como hipertensão, diabetes e até infarto e derrame.


UMA Nutricionista AMIGA DO CANAL ensina como evitar os equívocos mais comuns de quem quer perder peso

Você decidiu que dessa vez vai emagrecer de uma vez por todas, começou uma dieta, tirou tudo o que não podia do seu cardápio do seu dia a dia e, na hora do ‘tira-teima’ com a balança percebeu que, apesar de todos os seus esforços, não conseguiu emagrecer nem de longe o que gostaria. Aí você deve estar pensando: "como isso é possível, se deixei as guloseimas e frituras de lado e priorizei alimentos saudáveis?”.

Um problema comum ao se fazer dieta por conta própria é, de um lado, melhorar a alimentação do ponto de vista nutricional, e de outro, não diminuir a ingestão calórica.

Para emagrecer de forma saudável é preciso garantir ao corpo a ingestão de todos os nutrientes necessários para seu bom funcionamento, ao mesmo tempo que o consumo de calorias precisa diminuir. Funciona como uma equação matemática: o número total de calorias ingeridas num determinado período de tempo precisa ser menor que o número total de calorias gastas (metabolizadas) para haver emagrecimento. "Ou seja, sentir um pouco de fome antes de ir dormir, nos primeiros dias de regime, não é apenas comum: simplesmente vai acontecer", alerta a nutricionista.

Existem certas estratégias para driblar a fome, como o fracionamento das refeições, a ingestão de bastante água e de alimentos ricos em fibras. Porém, a pessoa deve entender que nos primeiros dias em dieta, sentir um pouco de fome até que seu organismo se acostume é inevitável. Depois, o organismo se habitua às quantidades menores de alimentos e responde positivamente aos estímulos de uma alimentação nutritiva, rica em fibras e alimentos funcionais. Contar calorias pode ser chato, porém é eficaz para saber a hora de terminar cada refeição.

Quer emagrecer de forma saudável e definitiva?

A nutricionista lista alguns dos equívocos cometidos pelas pessoas que decidem fazer dieta sem orientação:

Passar longos períodos sem comer - Fazer jejum é, definitivamente, uma das piores estratégias para perder peso. Emagrecer de forma saudável tem a ver com perder gordura corporal sem se desidratar ou perder massa magra (músculos). Pular refeições, no entanto, ao invés de ajudar, atrapalha o funcionamento do metabolismo e traz mal estar, irritação, mau hálito e outros problemas. "O ideal é fazer seis refeições ao longo do dia, com intervalos regulares", ensina. São elas: café da manhã, lanche matinal, almoço, lanche vespertino, jantar e ceia. "O café da manhã é a refeição mais importante. É aqui que a pessoa irá 'recarregar' as energias para começar o dia. Deve ser composto por frutas ou sucos naturais, de preferência ricos em vitamina C, pães e cereais integrais e derivados desnatados de leite", afirma.

Só consumir alimentos industrializados light - Produtos industrializados light devem ser consumidos com moderação. Trocar o açúcar convencional pelo adoçante no cafezinho depois do almoço é adequado. No entanto, comer várias fatias de pão light ou várias bolas de sorvete light é sair da dieta. Também se deve ter cuidado com o excesso de refrigerantes light e alguns adoçantes artificiais. " Os níveis elevados de sódio provocam inchaço e o aumento da pressão arterial", alerta a nutricionista.

Não ingerir a quantidade necessária de proteínas - Ovos, leites e seus derivados, peixes e outras fontes de proteínas são fundamentais para emagrecer com saúde. Segundo a nutricionista, o consumo desses alimentos suprime os efeitos da grelina, também chamado de hormônio da fome. "A grelina atua no cérebro, transmitindo a mensagem de fome quando o estômago está vazio. E ao ingerir fontes de proteína, a grelina envia uma mensagem de saciedade para o cérebro, dando fim à sensação", explica a nutricionista.

Não consumir a quantidade necessária de água - A boa hidratação é fundamental para saúde e ajuda a emagrecer. "Beber dois copos de água antes das refeições dá uma sensação de estômago cheio e com isso, a pessoa come menos", diz.

Não ler os rótulos dos alimentos - As listas de ingredientes e tabelas nutricionais dos alimentos industrializados trazem uma consciência maior sobre os ingredientes e composição do alimento a ser consumido. "Ao ler a tabela nutricional, a pessoa deve se concentrar nos nutrientes que devem ser limitados na dieta, como gorduras trans, calorias e sódio", finaliza a médica.

Attention with bad eating patterns:

Doing them frequently can lead to “the accordion effect”, which in addition to negative effects on the body, also poses health risks

What woman has never seen in any of these situations? There's "that" party to go, the wedding is coming up or you need to get back into those jeans ... That's where such crazy diets come in: light, soup, moon, fruit, and so on, a variety unthinkable.

In general, they consist of depriving themselves of eating certain types of food, and promise quick results in a short time, factors not recommended when it comes to weight loss, whose main purpose is to re-educate eating habits, since you You will not follow such diets for the rest of your life, will you?

In addition, doing them repeatedly can give rise to the so-called accordion effect, which over time ends up leaving the skin flaccid and aged, as well as consequences for the body such as hypertension, diabetes and even stroke and stroke.


Nutritionist teaches you how to avoid the most common misconceptions of those who want to lose weight.

You decided that this time you will lose weight once and for all, started a diet, took everything you could not from your menu of your day to day and, at the time of the 'tease' with the scale realized that despite all His efforts, he was not able to lose any weight whatsoever. Then you must be thinking, "How is this possible, if I left the treats and fried foods aside and prioritized healthy foods?”

A common problem with self-dieting is, on the one hand, improving nutrition from a nutritional point of view, and on the other, not reducing caloric intake.

In order to lose weight in a healthy way, it is necessary to guarantee the body the ingestion of all the nutrients necessary for its proper functioning, at the same time that the consumption of calories needs to diminish. It works like a mathematical equation: the total number of calories ingested over a given period of time must be less than the total number of calories expended (metabolized) for weight loss. "That is, feeling a bit hungry before going to sleep in the first days of regimen is not only common: it will just happen," warns the nutritionist.

There are certain strategies for dealing with hunger, such as fractionating meals, drinking plenty of water, and eating high-fiber foods. However, one should understand that in the early days on a diet, feeling a little hungry until your body gets accustomed is inevitable. Then, the body becomes accustomed to the smaller amounts of food and responds positively to the stimuli of a nutritious diet, rich in fibers and functional foods. Counting calories can be annoying, however it is effective to know when to finish each meal.

Want to lose weight in a healthy and definitive way?

The nutritionist lists some of the misconceptions committed by people who decide to diet without guidance:

Spending long periods without eating - Fasting is definitely one of the worst strategies for losing weight. To lose weight in a healthy way has to do with losing body fat without dehydrating or losing lean mass (muscles). Skipping meals, however, instead of helping, disrupts the functioning of metabolism and brings malaise, irritation, bad breath and other problems. "The ideal is to have six meals throughout the day at regular intervals," says. They are: breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and supper. "Breakfast is the most important meal, this is where the person will 'recharge' the energies to start the day.It should consist of fruits or natural juices, preferably rich in vitamin C, breads and whole grains and skim products Of milk,” says.

Only consumed industrialized foods light - Industrialized products light should be consumed in moderation. Replacing the conventional sugar with the sweetener in the cafe after lunch is appropriate. However, eating several slices of light bread or several balls of light ice cream is leaving the diet. One must also be careful with the excess of light soft drinks and some artificial sweeteners. "High levels of sodium cause bloating and increased blood pressure," the nutritionist warns.

Do not ingest the required amount of protein - Eggs, milks and their derivatives, fish and other sources of protein are essential for healthy weight loss. According to Alessandra Rocha, the consumption of these foods suppresses the effects of ghrelin, also called hunger hormone. "Ghrelin acts on the brain, conveying the message of hunger when the stomach is empty. And by ingesting protein sources, ghrelin sends a message of satiety to the brain, ending the sensation," says the nutritionist.

Do not consume the required amount of water - Good hydration is essential for health and helps you lose weight. "Drinking two glasses of water before meals gives a full stomach feeling and with that, the person eats less," he says.

Do not read food labels - The lists of nutritional ingredients and tables of industrialized foods bring greater awareness of the ingredients and composition of the food to be consumed. "When reading the nutritional chart, one should focus on the nutrients that should be limited in the diet, such as trans fats, calories and sodium," concludes the doctor.

Attention with bad eating patterns:

Doing them frequently can lead to “the accordion effect”, which in addition to negative effects on the body, also poses health risks

What woman has never seen in any of these situations? There's "that" party to go, the wedding is coming up or you need to get back into those jeans ... That's where such crazy diets come in: light, soup, moon, fruit, and so on, a variety unthinkable.

In general, they consist of depriving themselves of eating certain types of food, and promise quick results in a short time, factors not recommended when it comes to weight loss, whose main purpose is to re-educate eating habits, since you You will not follow such diets for the rest of your life, will you?

In addition, doing them repeatedly can give rise to the so-called accordion effect, which over time ends up leaving the skin flaccid and aged, as well as consequences for the body such as hypertension, diabetes and even stroke and stroke.


Nutritionist teaches you how to avoid the most common misconceptions of those who want to lose weight.

You decided that this time you will lose weight once and for all, started a diet, took everything you could not from your menu of your day to day and, at the time of the 'tease' with the scale realized that despite all His efforts, he was not able to lose any weight whatsoever. Then you must be thinking, "How is this possible, if I left the treats and fried foods aside and prioritized healthy foods?”

A common problem with self-dieting is, on the one hand, improving nutrition from a nutritional point of view, and on the other, not reducing caloric intake.

In order to lose weight in a healthy way, it is necessary to guarantee the body the ingestion of all the nutrients necessary for its proper functioning, at the same time that the consumption of calories needs to diminish. It works like a mathematical equation: the total number of calories ingested over a given period of time must be less than the total number of calories expended (metabolized) for weight loss. "That is, feeling a bit hungry before going to sleep in the first days of regimen is not only common: it will just happen," warns the nutritionist.

There are certain strategies for dealing with hunger, such as fractionating meals, drinking plenty of water, and eating high-fiber foods. However, one should understand that in the early days on a diet, feeling a little hungry until your body gets accustomed is inevitable. Then, the body becomes accustomed to the smaller amounts of food and responds positively to the stimuli of a nutritious diet, rich in fibers and functional foods. Counting calories can be annoying, however it is effective to know when to finish each meal.

Want to lose weight in a healthy and definitive way?

The nutritionist lists some of the misconceptions committed by people who decide to diet without guidance:

Spending long periods without eating - Fasting is definitely one of the worst strategies for losing weight. To lose weight in a healthy way has to do with losing body fat without dehydrating or losing lean mass (muscles). Skipping meals, however, instead of helping, disrupts the functioning of metabolism and brings malaise, irritation, bad breath and other problems. "The ideal is to have six meals throughout the day at regular intervals," says. They are: breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and supper. "Breakfast is the most important meal, this is where the person will 'recharge' the energies to start the day.It should consist of fruits or natural juices, preferably rich in vitamin C, breads and whole grains and skim products Of milk,” says.

Only consumed industrialized foods light - Industrialized products light should be consumed in moderation. Replacing the conventional sugar with the sweetener in the cafe after lunch is appropriate. However, eating several slices of light bread or several balls of light ice cream is leaving the diet. One must also be careful with the excess of light soft drinks and some artificial sweeteners. "High levels of sodium cause bloating and increased blood pressure," the nutritionist warns.

Do not ingest the required amount of protein - Eggs, milks and their derivatives, fish and other sources of protein are essential for healthy weight loss. According to Alessandra Rocha, the consumption of these foods suppresses the effects of ghrelin, also called hunger hormone. "Ghrelin acts on the brain, conveying the message of hunger when the stomach is empty. And by ingesting protein sources, ghrelin sends a message of satiety to the brain, ending the sensation," says the nutritionist.

Do not consume the required amount of water - Good hydration is essential for health and helps you lose weight. "Drinking two glasses of water before meals gives a full stomach feeling and with that, the person eats less," he says.

Do not read food labels - The lists of nutritional ingredients and tables of industrialized foods bring greater awareness of the ingredients and composition of the food to be consumed. "When reading the nutritional chart, one should focus on the nutrients that should be limited in the diet, such as trans fats, calories and sodium," concludes the doctor.

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